SoccerPots Homepage

Public leagues are accessed via the ‘Join a League’ button

The list of Public leagues are presented under the ‘Join Public Leagues’ heading

League information is displayed under the league name, this includes the type of league, pot value and number of players currently in the league

Simply enter the league by pressing on that league

SoccerPots Leagues

The list of Public leagues are presented under the ‘Join Public Leagues’ heading

League information is displayed under the league name, this includes the type of league, pot value and number of players currently in the league

Simply enter the league by pressing on that league



Pot is won by the players with the highest number of correctly predicted matches

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the pot will be £50

Instant Win leagues have no rollovers

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only



Pot is only won when ALL matches for the round are correctly predicted

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the pot will increase by £50 EACH ROUND until won

If the pot is not won it’s rolled over to the next round and this carries on until ALL matches are correctly predicted

After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

SoccerPots Homepage



Pot is only won when ALL matches for the round are correctly predicted

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the pot will increase by £50 EACH ROUND until won

If the pot is not won it’s rolled over to the next round and this carries on until ALL matches are correctly predicted

After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

SoccerPots Leagues




Just like the Winner Takes All leagues, but with a percentage of EACH ROUND (25% in this example) going to the Closest Winner each round

For example, if the percentage is set to 25% and the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the Closest Winner will receive £12.50 (25% of £50). The remaining £37.50 is rolled over EACH ROUND into the pot

The same happens each subsequent round and the pot keeps rolling over until ALL matches are correctly predicted. After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

Confirmation is required to enter the league

SoccerPots Join Public League

Confirmation is required to enter the league

SoccerPots Joined League

Once you have joined you can view the league or return to the homepage

Public league table

Individual round points can be viewed via the ‘Rounds’ button

Card points are awarded for each round you fail to predict any correct results

Cup points are awarded when you correctly predict ALL the matches from a round

Points are awarded for each correctly predicted result

SoccerPots League Table

Public league table

Individual round points can be viewed via the ‘Rounds’ button

Card points are awarded for each round you fail to predict any correct results

Cup points are awarded when you correctly predict ALL the matches from a round

Points are awarded for each correctly predicted result

SoccerPots Joined Leagues

Any Leagues you are a member of, will be shown on the homepage